Baby steps: Event-in-a-box

by | Jul 14, 2017 | Training

It’s all about clarity of vision, minimum goals, and baby steps!

Now that we have successfully completed our pilot event, our next project is to conduct a series of pilot events to refine the event model and materials, and create a package for use by others.


Conduct a series of four Neighborhood Disaster Popup events in the Palo Alto area by the end of 2018. Members of target neighborhoods will market the event to their neighbors, and organize the social component (with our support). We will manage the learning simulation, including providing materials and recruiting volunteers.


Refine the Neighborhood Disaster Popup event model and catastrophic earthquake learning simulation materials into something that is proven to further certain critical crisis preparedness goals, and which can readily be implemented by others with minimal guidance from us.


  1. Event-in-a-box containing
    1. A guide for organizing a neighborhood event
    2. Instructions and materials for the catastrophic earthquake learning simulation
    3. Event evaluation instructions and materials
  2. A tested strategy for training people to run the learning experience
  3. Data validating effectiveness/disproving ineffectiveness of the learning experience


  1. We have a reproducible event package
  2. We data to prove the effectiveness of the learning experience to take to potential funders and event organizers in early 2018
  3. We have one or more people, local to the Bay Area, who are able to run learning simulations in 2018
  4. We have two or more community-based partners who are potentially interested in and willing to work with us to sponsor events and support grant applications in 2018



  • Refine the catastrophic earthquake simulation to be tighter, improve learning outcomes, and minimize the number of people needed to run.
  • Develop a strategy for training people to run the learning simulation independently in the course of 1-2 events


  • Develop reliable instruments to measure event success and learning simulation outcomes
  • Explore strategies for using events for theory refinement, focusing on methodological concerns, operationalization and instrumentation.


  • Train one or more individuals to run the catastrophic earthquake learning simulation
  • Develop a relationship with two or more potential community partners to sponsor events and support grant applications in 2018
  • Gather insights on adaptations needed to adapt the catastrophic earthquake learning simulation for use in the communities served by the potential community partners