Holiday Puzzles
For the 2023 holiday season, we celebrate the educational power of fun and games with a series of small brain teasers related to disaster preparedness.
Puzzling for preparedness

Holiday Puzzle 9 | What movie is this?
Disaster movies frequently take liberties with scientific accuracy for the sake of entertainment. Here are three short clips from popular ones. What's the movie? For bonus points, what are the glaring scientific inaccuracies? The Day After Tomorrow (2004)...

Holiday Puzzle 8 | Crossword disaster
Tis the season to be jolly and wise about the natural forces that shape our world. Our holiday crossword puzzle is a merry foray into the variety of natural disasters! blizzard: Occuring during winter months, this disaster makes it difficult to travel (and may cause...

Holiday Puzzle 7 | Sequence of events?
When a disaster strikes, many things happen in order for aid to get to those who have been impacted. Here are some of the key steps, but in the wrong order! Can you put them into the correct order? An event occurs. FEMA (and other federal agencies) provides federal...

Holiday Puzzle 6 | It’s about timing!
A disaster, such as a wildfire or hurricane, is coming! When should you evacuate? When the newscasters make dire predictions about bad weather. When an evacuation warning is issued. When forest animals are running past you. When an evacuation order is issued. After...

Holiday Puzzle 5 | A clue
...6. What's the biggest threat to your home in a wildfire ... and also the ending of two cold months?... For a hint and to learn more about why this is the biggest threat, read this article. Evil embers burn 60% of the homes damaged in a wildfire. An ember can travel...

Holiday Puzzle 4 | Groans
Since it's Sunday, we'll let your brain relax. Here are some gallingly bad jokes instead. What did the metereologist use to get to happy hour on time? A blind man got hit by a tsunami … What part did Fozzie Bear land after he was fired from the Muppet Show? For a...

Holiday Puzzle 3 | It’s about time!
Imagine that you have to evacuate quickly, how long will it take you to leave? Consider: How long to get everyone out — everyone in the car and gone!? How long to gather essentials — medications, personal documents, cash, ...? How long to pack basic needs — clothing,...

Holiday Puzzle 2 | Riddle me this!
Can you figure out what threats these riddles pose? I'm not alive, but I can grow.I don't have lungs, but I need airI'm not thirsty, but I can die of water.What am I? I have an eye, but I cannot see.I have walls. but no ceiling.I turn and turn, but come and go the in...

Holiday Puzzle 1 | Unscramble
Can you unscramble these words to identify the 5 steps in disaster management? ervnept: Keep a disaster from happening in the first place gitameit: Reduce the harm caused if a disaster happens repepra: Get ready to deal with a disaster when it happens prondse: Do what...