New dawn. New year. New chapter!

by | Jan 2, 2024 | News, Organization

Leafless tree silhouetted against red sunrise clouds

This morning, dawn painted the sky of this first business day of the new year with promise. On this first business day of the new year, we painted our promise on the sky of a new dawn. We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve officially embarked on the journey towards independent 501c3 status!

This isn’t just a paperwork shuffle, it’s a declaration. A declaration of our unwavering commitment to empowering individuals and communities to navigate the stormy skies of crisis with creativity, resilience, and hope. It’s a declaration of our unshakeable belief in the transformative power of experiential learning, games and fun. It’s a declaration of our infinite confidence in the power of community.

We thank everyone who has helped to get us to this point, and invite you to join us in this exciting new chapter. Share this news, spread the word, and become part of the movement. Together, let’s paint a brighter future, one brushstroke of creativity and compassion at a time.

— Susanne, Garett & Lindsay
Creative Crisis Leadership Board of Directors