

Great minds, great questions

What theory will accelerate community crisis recovery?

Stimulating conversation

Creative Crisis Leadership and re+connect host roundtable discussions to advance theory of grassroots crisis response. We bring innovative thinkers together at the same (virtual) table to inspire the kinds of conversations that happen in hallways and pubs at conferences. Roundtables promote the free flow of ideas across research disciplines and institutions.

What is a Research Roundtable?

A Research Roundtable is a moderated virtual meeting that gives 4-8 participants the opportunity to have an in-depth conversation on a topic of shared interest.

What are the goals?

For participants? To spark ideas, start fruitful collaborations, and open opportunities for sharing data.

For us? To ensure that our products and services have the theoretical foundations they need to deliver reliable replicable results.

Who can participate?

We welcome participants, from any field of study, who are interested in using systematic knowledge and research thinking to help communities recover from crisis.

What’s the outcome?

We will share a summary, recording and transcript of each discussion with participants, and help disseminate great insights.

Discussion topics

We want to establish common ground around grassroots crisis response. Therefore, our inaugural series centers on these broad topics:

  • What is the role of grassroots crisis response in disaster management?
  • What psycho-sociological factors figure in grassroots crisis response?
  • What research methods are needed to understand and “measure” grassroots crisis response?

Going forward, there are many areas of research that touch upon grassroots crisis response (see the diagram below). We welcome your help in selecting topics for future discussions.



Bridges in a maze

Leadership studies + RPGs

Thu Jan 26, 2023

What is the state of research in the intersection of leadership studies and role-playing games (RPGs)?

Bridges in a maze

Leadership studies + RPGs

Fri Feb 4, 2022 (PAST)

What happens in the intersection of leadership studies and role-playing games?

Bridges in a maze

Social Ties

Fri Jul 9, 2021 (PAST)

How do different types of social ties affect grassroots crisis response emergence and success?

Bridges in a maze

Framing a New Narrative

Fri Apr 9, 2021 (PAST)

What would a narrative of crisis response that encompasses both institutionalized and grassroots efforts look like?


About participating

What to expect

The session will be divided into four parts: Introductions, Discussion, Review, and Wrap-up. A moderator will be on hand to deliver introductions, help keep the conversation moving, and lead the review. A notetaker will be taking notes, to which participants are welcome to contribute.

After the session, we will share a list of participants and their contact information, a transcript of the session, and the session recording. You should review the recording, and let us know if there are sections you feel should be redacted before public release. You will also be invited to help prepare the discussion summary. Finally, we will ask for your feedback on the roundtable so we can improve the experience for future participants.

Recording agreement

By participating, you grant permission for Creative Crisis Leadership and re+connect to

  • Record audio and video of the session
  • Make session recordings and transcripts publicly available
  • Publish your name, title, and affiliation as a participant

Intellectual property policy

This is a free exchange of ideas. We encourage participants to build on each others’ ideas, both during and after the discussion. Authors retain rights to materials authored after the discussion, but are expected to acknowledge the contributing role of Research Roundtable discussions and individual participants when appropriate. 

Creative Crisis Leadership and re+connect retain ownership of session materials, including recordings and reports. Participants are granted the right to use redacted versions of these materials, with attribution.

Get involved


Send us suggestions for topics you’d like to discuss. Or add them to the comments below.


Help to organize a session. You bring the topic and possible participants. Together, we’ll make it happen.


Sponsor a single discussion, or support a series so we can bring great minds to the table, and spread their insights.


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